How well do you know undertale

Have you played Undertale? Try this quiz! You could be the Legendary Undertale Master! Try it if you are extremely bored or trying to prove something, this quiz is for everyone!!

I hope you enjoy the quiz, no matter what result you get!!! Also, please remember that this is for fun and not COMPLETELY VITAL TO YOUR EXISTENCE..! Have fun!

Created by: Artemis
  1. What is the name of the first fallen human
  2. Who is the queen and king
  3. Who dies before undertale ( first )
  4. Who is your escort at the VERY beginning
  5. Your taking away everyone’s ————
  6. I’m not ready for this to end... I’m not ready for you to leave...
  7. Toriel calls you..
  8. At dinner with Sans, he says...
  9. Who plays piano?
  10. It’s me, your best friend.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know undertale