How well do you know Twilight? Triva

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How well do you know Twilight? I bet not good enough. Better take this quiz! If you don't know it all then you're in trouble! This quiz will teach you more about Twilight than ever before!

Are you a true Twihard at heart? Do you know every detail? Do know why Jacob kissed Bella, or why Renesmee has specail powers? Probaly not, so take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Fashion13

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Why do they name their daughter Renesmee?
  2. What is Bella's full name?
  3. What did Bella challenge Emmett to, after she became a vampire?
  4. What is Rensmee's power?
  5. Where is Isle Esme located?
  6. In "Twilight" what did Jacob say he and Bella used to do as kids?
  7. In "New Moon" what movie do Mike, Jacob and Bella go see?
  8. What was the name of Rosalie's friend with a husband whom Rosalie envied?
  9. Why did Esme Cullen jump off a cliff when she was still human?
  10. What was Bella's first meal as a vampire?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Twilight? Triva