How well do you know twilight?

There are many twilight fans some love it some are okay with it some just don't like it but you need an extrodinary mind to do my quiz haha haha ahah ahah.

Are you a twilight fan please take my quiz and find out this is my first quiz I am making so please take it becuase if you are a twilight fan you will take my quiz?

Created by: twilightsagalova4eva
  1. When is bella's birthday?
  2. What is edward's favorite food?
  3. Who is renesmee?
  4. When is edward's birthday?
  5. What is emmett's favourite food?
  6. Werewolves stink to vampires?
  7. Is esme older than carlisle (age when turned into a vampire)
  8. What power does edward have?
  9. What is alice's power?
  10. What is jasper's power?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know twilight? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Twilight Quiz category.