How well do you know Twilight?

Lots of people are smart, some are not. Quizes can help this, they help you think about information. This quiz however is just a fan quiz, so it's Ok if you don't know it.

Are you a genius on the Twilight Saga? Why dont you test your skills out and take this quiz, see what you score on how well you know the Twilight Saga.

Created by: Rebekah
  1. How many pages is Twilight?
  2. What is Bella's full birth name?
  3. How many pages is New Moon?
  4. Finish this quote: "Of three things I was absolutely sure, one Edward was a____"
  5. What does Edward bite in Breaking Dawn when he is on his honeymoon with Bella?
  6. How many pages is Eclipse?
  7. How many pages is Breaking Dawn?
  8. How does Victoria die in Eclipse?
  9. What happens to Bella when she is giving birth?
  10. Who kills Laurent in New Moon

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Twilight?