How Well Do You know Twilight?

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Hi, there! I am a HUGE Twilight fan, and that is why I have decided to make this quiz. You get everything by the title, 'How Well Do You Know Twilight?'.

Well, test you Twihard knowledge here! (Remember what I said earlier? About me being a fan? Yeah, so don't worry if you think this quiz was made by some person who doesn't have a clue on what Imprint mean! xD) Right! ENJOY!!!!! xxx

Created by: TwilightFreakOut

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Edward Falls In Love With Rosalie?
  2. Mike Nearly Crashes Into Bella?
  3. 'Renesmee', is made out of 'Renee', and 'Esme'?
  4. Edward Was Born..?
  5. Jacob Joins The Pack In Which Part?
  6. Which Of These Statements Is True?
  7. Alice's Visions Always Happen?
  8. How Old Is Jake In 'Twilight'?
  9. Aro Wants To Turn Renee Into A Werewolf?
  10. What Is Jasper's Extra Power?
  11. How Does Bella Find Out That Edward Is A Vampire?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I know Twilight?