How well do you know toy story

There are a lot of very very very very smart people out there. But not many can achieve the 100 percent on this quiz. If you think you can and if your willing. Do it

Are you a genius. Are you smart enough to accomplish this quiz. Can you get 100 percent. Take the quiz and find out how much you know about toy story

Created by: Suckmyleftnut
  1. Who does buzz like
  2. Which toy story is it when they all almost die
  3. Who’s house was woody at when he broke out of the day care in toy story 3
  4. Who’s house was I at last night
  5. What mode did ken activate in buzz in toy story 3
  6. What did Andy do with all of his toys when he went to college
  7. Which toy was Andy’s favorite
  8. Who took buzz and woody after they got stuck in a claw machine
  9. Can buzz fly
  10. What does woody say when u pull his string
  11. What was in the claw machine with buzz and woody

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Quiz topic: How well do I know toy story