How Well Do You Know Tim Tebow?

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Do you really know much about Tim Tebow? Well you can take this quiz and find out! You may do good or not, but rember sighn up for howrse, and go to 494's page?

What day and month was he born on?

Created by: Skylar of 494-howrse
(your link here more info)
  1. How old is tim tebow?
  2. What type of animal does he have?(If any)
  3. What did Taylor Swift say to tim tebow
  4. What collage did tim tebow go to
  5. Do people claim tim tebows nice?
  6. what yesr was tebow born
  7. What day and mounth was he born on?
  8. What football team below has Tebow been on
  9. Is tim tebow a catholic
  10. Does Tim tebow have strong belief in being a catholic

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Tim Tebow?