How Well Do You Know Thunderclan?

This is a good book: Warriors. Thunderclan is not my favorite clan, but it is more popular. Is it your favorite?

Are YOU a Thunderclan expert? Take this quiz to find out. Are you up for a challenge? Warriors is a novel series by Erin Hunter, for those who don't know!

Created by: Elle
  1. Who was Thunderclan's First Leader and What was his Original Name?
  2. Which Two clans are beside Thunderclan at the lake?
  3. Who is your favorite Thunderclan cat?
  4. Who was Graystripe's First Mate and What clan was she in?
  5. Who are the Parents of Jaypaw, Hollypaw and Lionpaw?
  6. Was Sunningrocks originally Thunderclan territory?
  7. What are Jaypaw, Hollypaw and Lionpaw's warrior/medicine cat names?
  8. What group of animals attacked Thunderclan's new camp?
  9. Who is Thunderclan's current medicine cat, leader and deputy?
  10. Who did Firestar love before Sandstorm?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Thunderclan? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Clans Quiz category.