How well do you know the Youtuber, Azzyland?

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Hello. My name is Emma and today I will be creating the best quiz of your life. Or possibly your worst if you get between 0 and 17 percent. My sister says if you do, she feels bad for you. LOL! It's fine, I know you won't! Your a loyal subscriber, right?!?! ;-;

Feel free to follow us on twitter! Me- @iiduhitz Azzy- @AzzyLand Thank you guys for taking Azzy class and I hope you enjoy the quiz! P.S. ily Azzy AZZYLAND!!10 MILLION SUBS!!

Created by: t_mm
  1. What color is Azzy's hair?
  2. Who is Azzy's best friend?
  3. When Azzy did the "how girly are you" test what were her results?
  4. What is Azzy's birthday?
  5. What is Azzyland's boyfriend's name?
  6. How old is Azzy? (2019)
  7. What is Azzy's nationality?
  8. Who does Azzy collab with sometimes that is NOT Kasima?
  9. Does Azzyland like wearing makeup?
  10. What is Azzy's real name?
  11. Has Azzy played the popular game, ROBLOX before?
  12. Has Azzy done some cosplay before?
  13. Does Azzy have a "Tik-tok" account?
  14. What did Azzy Graduate in?
  15. What is Azzy certified in?
  16. What is Azzy's cat named?
  17. What is Azzy's favorite game?
  18. What does Azzy look like?
  19. Does Azzy like traveling?
  20. How did Azzy meet her boyfriend?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Youtuber, Azzyland?

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