how well do you know the WWE

some people think they are smart but most of them truely arent. prove to others that you are actually smart and not some stupid loser from new york. so give it a shot and see if your smarter than your friends. all questions are based as of 4-25-07

even though not everyone knows what they are talking about when it comes to wrestling,know is the time to prove what your worth. so with that i have just one question for you... Are You Ready????

Created by: mike of myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. WHo is the current world heavyweight champion
  2. Who are the world tag team champion
  3. Who is the WWE Womens champion
  4. Who Doesnt belong in this group Dusty Rhoodes, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Curt Henning, Sgt Slaughter
  5. what is matt hardy's Wrestlemania record
  6. who was the first in the bank
  7. how many wwe video games has there been for the playstation game console
  8. who was the last wwe superstar released
  9. why is triple h out from wrestling
  10. when is triple h supposed to return

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the WWE