How well do you know the world according to Humphrey

You know the book The World According To Humphrey right?,Well,let's see how much you really know about him,in this quiz,you will test your knowledge about Humphrey.

Now,do you really think you know ever little detail in the book The World According to Humphrey,in a couple of minutes,you won't be wondering any more.

Created by: Ulyana of
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Alado is who's uncle?
  2. Were did Mrs.Mac move?
  3. What kind of animal is Humphrey?
  4. What treat did Mr.Morals use to get Humphrey in the cage?
  5. Who is Mrs.Mac?
  6. Who is the most important person at long bottom school?
  7. What is the principal's name?
  8. What 2 pets does Miranda have?
  9. What did Alado give his wife for Christmas?
  10. What trick can Alado do?
  11. Who's family loves to watch T.V.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the world according to Humphrey