How Well Do You Know the World?

Be ready to answer these extreme questions about the world! Well, they're only about the capitals of the world. I hope you read enough geography books because some of these questions might baffle you! Anyhow, good luck!!!!!!!!

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could find only wonder. But thanks to this extraordinary quiz, in a few minutes you will find out!!!!!!!!

Created by: CupcakeCutie396
  1. What is the Capital of Portugal?
  2. What is the Capital of Madagascar?
  3. What is the Capital of India?
  4. What is the Capital of Canada?
  5. What is the capital of Japan?
  6. What is the Capital of Afghanistan?
  7. What is the Capital of Great Britain?
  8. What is the Capital of Romania?
  9. What is the Capital of Slovakia?
  10. What is the Capital of Iceland?
  11. What is the Capital of Italy?
  12. What is the Capital of Spain?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the World?