How Well Do You Know The Wings of Fire Books?

I know I did this multiple times but some deleted the page so I have to REDO it. It is sooooo UNFAIR. If you didn’t see the ones before than well ye. I will write more on the next thing.

Me and one of my classmates made a club. I had to make the test a LOT of times. It is very annoying and unfair. It takes a long time. And I won’t write my real name.

Created by: kawinos
  1. Who is Tsunami’s father?
  2. Who is Glory’s brother?
  3. How did Clay get his scales to become Fire proof?
  4. If you think these are to easy,they will get harder throughout the quiz. Who are the Dragonets of Destiny?
  5. How did the Dragon pets of Destiny escape the Sky Kingdom?
  6. Who is Sunny’s mother?
  7. Who is the mind reading+future seeing dragonet called?
  8. What tribe lives in Phyyra?
  9. What is the tenth book called?
  10. What is the super rare type of SilkWing called?
  11. What is the IceWing god?
  12. What is the God for most of the tribes on Phyyra?
  13. What is the god for the tribes on Pantala?
  14. Who is Blue’s mother?
  15. Who is Starflights mother?
  16. Who is Cricket’s father?
  17. Who was the queen before the war of the SandWings?
  18. Who are the three main sisters?
  19. Who won the war?
  20. What is Clays fav food?
  21. How did the last IceWing queen die?
  22. Last question, how do tribes chose a new queen?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Wings of Fire Books?
