How Well Do You Know the Vampire Diaries?

Yeah you love my quiz it's so cool bby. You light up my world like nobody else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed but when you smile t.

Can we fall one more time stop the tape and rewind oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade cause there is noooo bodyyy else its gott be youu!! I love One Direction?

Created by: A b----
  1. Starting of easy who are the MAIN characters ?(hint*there are 3 )
  2. how much originals are there?
  3. who has blue eyes and blck hair ?
  4. whos quote is this ?''i love you Elena''
  6. which one out of these is one of the five ?
  7. who says ''im a vampire''
  8. did you like this quiz (does not affect answer) if you dont ill kill you !!!
  9. ok easy quistions what is damons and stefans LAST NAME?
  10. ok bye !!!!

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Vampire Diaries?