How well do you know the US Constitution?
Welcome to the Constitution Quiz! This quiz, unlike others, is not focused on dates or meaningless facts that were often forced on everyone to remember while growing up, but deals directly with the meaning and intent that everyone should know. Nor is it heavily based on the Bill of Rights (and that is simply because most Americans have a general understanding of them, certainly not as well as they should, but it is talked about enough that most know the basics). The area of the Constitution this quiz examines focuses on the three branches of government (particularly the legislative and executive relating to foreign affairs) and is focused exclusively on current event related issues that we are currently facing in the USA.
The most important document in US history historically and currently still is the US Constitution. It sets out our Republic with three checked and balanced branches, enumerated powers, and of course, our Constitutional rights. Most people claim to have an advanced knowledge of the US Constitution, even though the majority do not even have the basics. So where do you stand? Do you know the Constitution or are you a pretender falsely claiming to possess knowledge you do not have? For the sake of the Republic, find out now!