how well do you know the thundermans

hi i am chloe iam writing this quiz because i was inspired by other peoples quiz and also because of the thundermans but a particular episode inspired me it is a fun quiz but it all depends on how well you know the thundermans

it is also a brain racking quiz so if you do not know the thunderma ns do not take this quiz at all it is only for those who are the thundermans fans enjoy your quiz as your going you might also find very tough questions but you have to answer them have faith and goodluck

Created by: adebanjo chloe
  1. how old are you
  2. what is phoebe thunderman real name
  3. who is dr.colosso to the thundermans
  4. what is nora favourite colour
  5. what is max superpower
  6. who is billy bestfriend
  7. what is cloe thunderman superpower
  8. who is maya le clerk
  9. who is phoebe thunderman bestfriend
  10. where are the thundermans living

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the thundermans