how well do you know the Steven Universe movie

this quiz is fun and short i hope you enjoy and get the score you wanted or at least a good score and have a good day and Steven universe rules don't let anyone tell you otherwise

this is my first quiz and i'm so very sorry about the last three questions i'm really lazy and could not think of anything to put so i did something random so ON THE LAST THREE QUESTIONS CLICK THE FIRST ONE TO GET IT RIGHT

Created by: Lily
  1. what two gems is garnet made of?
  2. how old id Steven?
  3. what did Spinal's rejuvenater do to the gems
  4. what city does Steven live in
  5. where does Connie go before the gems meet Spinal
  6. witch of these lyrics are in the song "Other friends"
  7. who is the best ship (this WILL effect your score)
  8. click the first one ran out of questions xd
  9. click the first one ran out of questions xd
  10. click the first one ran out of questions xd

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Steven Universe movie

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