How Well Do You Know "The Steve"?

There are very few people in the world who know "The Steve" well. Being friends with him does not mean that you know him well. Are YOU one of those few who know him well? Take this quiz and find out? ;)

There are very few people in the world who know "The Steve" well. Being friends with him does not mean that you know him well. Are YOU one of those few who know him well? Take this quiz and find out?

Created by: Stanosuke

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is "The Steve"'s favorite color?
  2. How many siblings does "The Steve" have?
  3. What does "The Steve" want to be when he graduates college?
  4. What is "The Steve"'s favorite animal?
  5. "The Steve" and a couple of his friends are hanging out. A few older kids come over and start messing with his friends. How would "The Steve" handle this situation?
  6. What is "The Steve"'s favorite sport?
  7. What jobs has "The Steve" had in his life?
  8. When is "The Steve"'s birthday?
  9. What is "The Steve"'s middle name?
  10. In what cities does "The Steve" have family?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know "The Steve"?