How Well Do You Know the Simpsons?

Do you want to test your Simpsons knowledge? You’re in the right place! Take the quiz and tell your friends! I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised! I hope you know your stuff!

I really hope your not trying to find out what Simpsons character you are because this is not that kind of quiz. Sorry! Still, take the quiz and have fun!

Created by: Claire
  1. What is Barts full name?
  2. Lisa’s IQ is:
  3. What is Comic Book Guy’s real name!
  4. Is Simpsons the longest-running primetime comedy series in U.S. television history?
  5. In which season Elizabeth Taylor was featured as a guest star?
  6. What year did the Simpsons movie come out?
  7. When did this animated series start airing?
  8. What does the J stand for in Homer J Simpson?
  9. Who founded Springfield?
  10. What’s homers job?
  11. What’s Marge's maiden name?
  12. What’s Marge’s full name?
  13. Which former “Cheers” star provides the voice for sideshow bob in the “The Simpsons”?
  14. How did Maude Flanders die?
  15. What are the annual Halloween episodes known as?
  16. What was the name of Homer’s barbershop quartet?
  17. What are the names of Marge’s cynical twin sisters?
  18. Milhouse Van Houten is one of the few residents of Springfield with which of the following traits? Five fingers, purple hair, or eyebrows?
  19. What number is the current Snowball owned by the Simpson family?
  20. Which character was mistakenly animated with the wrong color in his/her first appearance on The Simpsons?
  21. What was Homer called in the Arabic version of The Simpsons?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Simpsons?
