How well do you know the RP GTQ TOWN?

Many of the people are here on GTQ. Among them few are a part of the RP GTQ TOWN.I too belong to the RP.this quiz , i have created especially for the GTQ will be apreciated if you take it....

Are you a part of it? I dare you to try on my quiz. Prove that you are intelligent even if you have never been to GTQ TOWN, you can score more than 60%.also, i wanna level up. Please do me a favour by attempting it.XD..All the best

Created by: KELLY BHATTA of [no emails]
(your link here more info)
  1. Who created the Role Play 'GTQ TOWN?'
  2. Who runs a cake shop?
  3. What is the name of the knight from GTQ Town?
  4. After, how many years does Rosie return and with whom?
  5. Who comes to Rosie's birthday party?
  6. What gift does Rosie get on her birthday?
  7. GTQ TOWN is ...
  8. Who is rex?
  9. Who plays the role of the princess?
  10. Is Pheonix a member of GTQ Town?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the RP GTQ TOWN?