How well do you know the Percy Jackson series?

Percy Jackson is a Series of awesome books by the auther Rick Riodan!!!!! !!! (This is an awesome quiz you should take it!!!) Be the best Percy Jackson fan.

How much do you know about the Percy Jackson series? Are you a number ONE fan of Percy Jackson? Do you know ALL the facts????? THanks to this quiz find out how much of a fan you are.

Created by: esme

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. At what age did Percy Jackson find out he was a demi-god?
  2. Which three people went on the quest for the missing lightening bolt?
  3. who is percys godly parent?
  4. what is Annabeth's magical item?
  5. What is Thalia afraid of?
  6. What is Percy's mother called?
  7. What is the first monster percy fights?
  8. Which two goddesses don't have any children?
  9. Which god does Percy pick a fight with and win?
  10. Who dumps Percy in the fifth book?
  11. Was this a good quiz? (this will effect the results ;D)
  12. WAs this a good Quiz? (this will effect the result ;D)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Percy Jackson series?