How well do you know the pals YT

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Ok so you think you know a lot about the pals? Well let's test it shall we. This quiz will test to see if you are a true fan/subscriber by asking you a few question but hold your horses because this quiz is 30 questions long, can you handle it?

There will be a range of questions that you simply just have to pick the right answer for. It's plain and simple and will take anywhere from around 1min to 5mins. Think you got what is takes? Are you ready? Ok then let's test you!

Created by: Sparkle pup
  1. how many pets do the pals have in total?
  2. How tall is Denis daily?
  3. How tall is Corl horl?
  4. What is Corl horls real name?
  5. What is sk3tchYT real name?
  6. Who is the most popular pal?
  7. Who is the least popular pal?
  8. What is the name of corls shoulder pet?
  9. What is the name of sketchs shoulder pet?
  10. What is the name of Denis's two shoulder pets?
  11. How old is Denis?
  12. How old is Alex?
  13. How old is sub?
  14. How old is Corl?
  15. How old Is sketch?
  16. What is the name of subs shoulder pet?
  17. How tall is crafted rl?
  18. Does Corl have a sister?
  19. Does Alex have a sister?
  20. Does Denis have a sister?
  21. Does sketch have a brother?
  22. What is Denis's favourite colour?
  23. What is Alex's favourite colour?
  24. What is subs favourite colour?
  25. What is corls favourite colour?
  26. What is sketchs favourite colour?
  27. What is sketchs brothers channel called?
  28. What is Alex's allergy?
  29. which one of the pals is part of the LGBTQ community?
  30. Last one....which one of the pals doesn't talk?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the pals YT

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