How well do you know the pals?

How well do you know the pals? find out here! if you never heard of them, try the quiz and see your results or watch them before taking the quiz! good luck!

Thank you soooooo much for taking the quiz, i am such a subscriber of the pals, you should be too! good luck on the quiz, and have a good month! and have a good day or night

Created by: Doggo Roblox
  1. What person is not in the pals?
  2. What colors is not in the pals?
  3. What people are not in the pals?
  4. HackleHackleHackle
  5. Bananas, SMASH IT!
  6. Wich one did the pals do?
  8. Does the pals ever use phones on video?
  9. what app did sketch use on the video "If your phone dies, you die"
  10. did the pals do a dont do ... at 6 AM?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the pals?
