How well do you know the Pals?

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How well do you know the Pals. Take this quiz to figure out how well you acually know them. This quiz waas made on Fri, March 8,2018, So it is all up to date.

How well do you know the Pals. Take this quiz to figure out how well you acually know them. Thanks for taking this quiz and also thanks for watching the Pals.

Created by: Syera
  1. Who is the oldest pal?
  2. Which pal was born on June 5?
  3. Which one is born in Massachusetts?
  4. Which on has a twin?
  5. Does SubZeroExtabyte ever show his face?
  6. Who do most people ship with?
  7. Who is Denis's crush?
  8. What was Sub's old channels name?
  9. Where does Alex live?
  10. Where was Denis born?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Pals?
