How well do you know the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020?

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The 2020 Summer Olympics, officially the Games of the XXXII Olympiad and branded as Tokyo 2020, was an international multi-sport event held from 23 July to 8 August 2021 in Tokyo, Japan, with some preliminary events that began on 21 July. - Wikipedia

As the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 has come to an end, let us see if you can still recall the events that took place. Will you be able to answer these 10 questions that will test how attentive you are? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: yueyue
  1. In the Men's individual Archery (Ranking round), who ranked 1st?
  2. In the Women's double sculls Rowing (Heat 2), how many countries finished under 7 minutes?
  3. In the Men's synchronized 10m platform Diving (Final), what country won gold?
  4. In the Women's 55kg Weightlifting (Group A), how many of them set an Olympic Record?
  5. In the Men's artistic individual all-around Artistic gymnastics (Final), which country is not at the top 5?
  6. In the Women's 4x200m freestyle relay Swimming (Final), what country won silver?
  7. In the Men's high jump Athletics (Final), how many got the 2.37 height?
  8. In the Women's vault Artistic Gymnastics (Final), who won bronze?
  9. In the Men's long jump Athletics (Final), what country has 2 athletes in the top 3?
  10. In the Women's 200m Athletics (Final), how many athletes got a time under 22 seconds?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020?

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