How well do you know the nation of New Zealand?

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I put a LOT of hard work and emotion into this quiz, so I really hope you enjoy it. The first copy of this quiz had an error and didn't publish properly so I had to make it ALL OVER AGAIN!!

I believe that NZ is a highly underrated country that nobody ever thinks about. But really, it is the most wonderful place in the world. So please, rate this quiz :D

Created by: MurfyPurfy
  1. Who is the current NZ Prime Minister (2021)
  2. What is the name of the NZ Cricket team (Mens)
  3. Now the womens team.
  4. Who is the captain of the mens Cricket team?
  5. womens Captain?
  6. True or false: NZ was the first country to let women vote.
  7. True or false: there are two meanings fr the word Kiwi
  8. hobbiton is in NZ
  9. NZ has the longest town name in the world. True or false?
  10. more people than sheep
  11. What city has the steepest road in the world
  12. How many Official Langauges are there?
  13. True or false: it was the last country to be inhabited by humans?
  14. Guess What?! in feb 2022 I'm moving to one of the oldest houses in NZ! its in Auckland. What Suberb?
  15. What out of these is not native to NZ?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the nation of New Zealand?
