how well do you know the movie Coraline

this quiz was made right now now i hope you like this quiz it was hard to make so many words to type this was hard i have no more words to write so yeah

now we are back another long paraghaf and this is so boreing this is weird i have some shake or what ever and it id so ggggoooood this is cool you are.

Created by: bri bro yo
  1. what is the movies name
  2. what is the replacement for they eyes of the other mother.
  3. what is the cat's name
  4. how old is coraline
  5. how old is wybie
  6. who lives downstairs in the pink palace
  7. who lives upstairs in the pink palace
  8. who owns the pink palace
  9. how does the other mother spy on coraline
  10. what color was the cat

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the movie Coraline You can find more quizzes like this one in our Movies Quiz category.
