How well do you know the mortal instruments

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are you an expert take the quiz and see I am are you if you do well you will get 100 if you don't you'll get ...0 !!!! What will you get! Well then go and see

are you an expert take the quiz and see I am are you if you do well you will get 100 if you don't you'll get ...0 !!!! What will you get! Well then go and see what you get

Created by: Holly
  1. What is Jace s real second name
  2. What is clary frays talents
  3. Who is Clare's dad
  4. Who is Alec in love with
  5. Who is Jonathan morgenstern
  6. Who is Simons best friend
  7. Describe jace
  8. Who do you think is the smartest
  9. Who sings almost is never enough
  10. Who dies in COG

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the mortal instruments