How well do you know The Land of Stories?

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You may be thinking: "I'll ace this quiz! I'm a Land of stories master!" But are you? This quiz will test you knowledge, stump your brain, and prove if you really know the books.

Are you ready? Let's find out if you are a true fan, (like me!!!) When i made this quiz it said this paragraph had to be 150 things long so I'm writing this so i can finish okie take the quiz!

Created by: Emily
  1. What are the twins's names?
  2. What is one of the wishing spell items?
  3. Who puts Cinderella's slipper in the twins' bag?
  4. How do the twins get to the land of stories in the first book?
  5. Who is Alex's first boyfriend?
  6. What is the name of Mother Goose's pet gander?
  7. Why did Humptey-Dumptey REALLY fall off the wall?
  8. What is the name of Goldilock's son?
  9. What does the Masked Man call his Army?
  10. How did the Troll king and Goblin King die?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Land of Stories?
