How well do you know The Krew?

Welcome to "How well do you know The Krew?" Here you will have a set of questions about ItsFunneh and The Krew. The people who are in The Krew are: Rainbow, Draco, Rainbow, Gold, and Funneh!

Get ready for a challenge to see how much you know The Krew! Rainbow, Draco, Funneh, Gold, and Lunar. All of those people, they will have a question about them.

Created by: Katie
  1. What are the Krew real names?
  2. Who is the oldest in The Krew?
  3. Did they reach more then 2 million subscribers?
  4. Are they sibling?
  5. Who works the most, so they can't play games with the others?
  6. Does all of The Krew have a youtube channel?
  7. How many YT channels does ItsFunneh have?
  8. Who says "ALULULULULU!"
  9. True or False: Funneh is the youngest.
  10. This is the end of the quiz. But, are you ready for this last question? Here we go!Did Funneh have kids?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Krew?
