How well do you know the Hunters of Artemis?

This quiz will tell you how well do know the Hunters of Artemis. After you did this quiz, it will tell you what should you do next. This quiz is based on Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

All questions are by me. Make sure you read the books before you do this quiz. This quiz is very easy and I think all of you would get at least 80%. Try to do this by your self before googling the answer. Have fun!

Created by: ZoesSisterSilena
  1. Which hunter died in The Titan's Curse?
  2. Who is the new lieutenant?
  3. Who was Zoë?
  4. In which book did the hunters first appear!
  5. How old was Thalia when she became a hunter?
  6. How did Bianca die?
  7. What was Zoë?
  8. What was Artemis the goddess of? (easy)
  9. Who was Bianca's brother?
  10. Who captured Artemis?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Hunters of Artemis?
