How well do you know the Harry Potter series?

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Hi my name is Kally! I had a lot of fun creating this quiz!!! I really hope that you enjoy it!!! #easyquiz #iloveharrypotter #quiztakerlevelonehundred

Are you a complete geek of all things Harry Potter? Do you think you know what you are talking about? Are you ready for this quiz? Click that start button and find out!!!

Created by: Kally
  1. Who killed Harry’s parents???
  2. Where is Professor Quirrel hiding the dark lord?
  3. How do Harry and Hermione save Buckbeak and Sirius?
  4. Who is Buckbeak???
  5. What did Harry use for the under water task?
  6. Who did he get his gillyweed from?
  7. Who wanted to join the Order of the Phoenix ?
  8. Who is the Half Blood Prince?
  9. How do you destroy a Horcrux?
  10. What feature does Harry Potter and Lily Potter share?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Harry Potter series?
