How well do you know the Harry Potter books?

Did you read the Harry Potter books? Did you read them carefully? Well this quiz will tell you! There are some easy questions, and some hard questions.

Be careful! Don't mess up! I don't know what else to say! I LOVE HARRY POTTER! So grab some butterbeer, kick back and take my quiz! I hope you LOVE it!

Created by: Ellie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Lord Voldemort's real name?
  2. This is kind of a hard question... What were Voldemort's parents names?
  3. Find the false statement.
  4. True or False? In the Ministry of Magic in the Order of the Pheonix book, Ron was attacked by giant brains.
  5. True or False? In the Half-Blood Prince, Hermione got upset with Harry because he kept preforming better than her in Potions.
  6. What two people do NOT end up together?
  7. Which student is never a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
  8. What does Grawp (Hagrid's brother) call Hermione?
  9. Each of the four founders of Hogwarts wanted to teach different types of people. What kind did Godric Gryiffindor want to teach?
  10. What about Salazar Slytherin?
  11. What about Ravenclaw?
  12. Hufflepuff?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Harry Potter books?