How well do you know the harry potter books

this quiz is for only the ones who have read the books at least once.I don't exspect beginners to get them all right and I don't exspect all to get some right

Are you a bookworm? do you love Harry Potter! then this is the quiz for you? try it now this is my first quiz ever 'ok I did help out with a quiz before but yeah' this all on my own

Created by: Aileen lynae
  1. in sorcerers stone what is the final task to get to the stone 'the book only'
  2. in chamber of secrets what is the name of the giant spider? 'the spider they thaught was the monster'
  3. in prisonor of azkaban,What is Harry bogart?
  4. in goblet of fire,Who did Harry take to the Yule ball?
  5. in order of the Phoenix,Who gets attacked by a brain?
  6. In half-blood prince,Who try's to give Harry a love potion?
  7. in deathly hallows,Who kills bellatrix lesrtange?
  8. in cursed child,Who is minster of magic
  9. in cursed child,What are the names of Harry's kids?
  10. in sorcerers stone,Who got knocked off by the queen?
  11. who said this 'not Evryone has the emotional range of a tea spoon' from order of the Phoenix
  12. who is headmaster of Hogwarts in cursed child?
  13. where did Harry meet Draco Malloy 'in the book'
  14. where does Harry Ron and Hermione first go when they leave the wedding?
  15. 'last question' have you read all the books?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the harry potter books