How well do you know the GTQ Comic?

Ello! It's me again! Yes, yes, I bet you're getting tired of me, but I honestly can't help it! I'm doing this on a thread that you can find in the Stage forum. It isn't exactly done yet, but I'm looking forward to see how it ends (BTW I'm REALLY into the Emo x Carlos and Vio x Summers ship!)!

I hope they finish it soon! I'm kind of worried, though. Carlos hasn't been on for a while, correct? If you've heard from him, please tell me!!!! Anyway, if you get a low score, don't feel bad. This was just for fun! And also I was bored :P

Created by: Unknown User
  1. Who had the idea and made the thread?
  2. Which ship has been made true (SO FAR)?
  3. Which 2 users get possesed most often?
  4. Who's the villain?
  5. Who was put in the "door" trance first?
  6. What was behind the door?
  7. Why did June land on her face in the beginning?
  8. What species is Spice?
  9. Who is 9 feet tall and purple?
  10. Who is a witch?
  11. Who is in love with Carlos?
  12. Who was the first to speak?
  13. Who is COMPLETELY mortal? (No powers, can't switch forms, human, ect.)
  14. What is the name of Emo's cat?
  15. What room are they in more often?
  16. Who is obsessed with shipping people (They love shipping people in different forums too LOL)?
  17. Turns out the whole thing is just a big _____.
  18. Who was the first to notice the PIZZA?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the GTQ Comic?
