How well do you know The Flash?

The Flash is the best show. It has everything. Drama, action, romance, adventure. It has loveable characters and villains that you absolutely hate. It has an amazing plot and setting.

Do you think you're a true Flash fan? Do you think you can answer these questions? If you've seen seasons one through six, and you really paid attention, you'll probably get a perfect score. Take the test to find out! WARNING CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS!!!

Created by: CaitlinSnow
  1. What happened to Cisco's brother?
  2. How does Eddie Thawne die?
  3. Which of the following is one of Caitlin Snow's love interests?
  4. Which is the main villain in season 4?
  5. When Barry came back from the speed force and was kind of insane, what was it that he kept doing?
  6. True or False. Barry's girlfriend in season one worked at the precinct
  7. Which version of Wells liked coffee the most?
  8. In what season did Chester P. Runk first appear?
  9. What was the first metahuman Team Flash fought as a team?
  10. Where did Barry propose to Iris?
  11. Are there two Nora Allens?
  12. How much do you love The Flash (totally doesn't affect your results...)?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Flash?
