How well do you know the first 16 Avenger movies?

Me and my brother made this quiz at practically midnight and put a lot of effort in to it, so, I hope you enjoy it! special shout out to MarvelLovingIzzy!

we wanted to make a marvel quiz but we haven't finished watching them so we came up with this solution.HAVE FUN!! Charlotte and Marcussome of the MurfyPurfy team.

Created by: MurfyPurfy
  1. who was the first avenger?
  2. what was the hulks previous job?
  3. what is captain marvels real name?
  4. who made "Star Lord"'s mum sick?
  5. What is black widows sisters name?
  6. how many iron man movies are there?
  7. are the MCU movies awesome?
  8. what is the hawkeyes weapon
  9. what is scarlet witches (remaining twin) power?
  10. what movie did the falcon first come into?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the first 16 Avenger movies?

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