How Well Do You Know The Dream SMP (LORE)

Listen, some thing may be wrong, but, in my defense, I have bad memory, i only made this coz i was bored. dont mind the things further, they said i need atleast 150 chars.kfherhguheurguhuerhrudhg

hope yu enjoy!1!11!!!!!1!111 dont mind the things further, they said i need atleast 150 chars.gjfuheuetgfyyfurvgeiiuegruigvuiehugivygeuguiegruiguguiervgig

Created by: moonlight
  1. What/Who is "L'manburg"?
  2. Who created "L'manburg"?
  3. Who among the list was a Traitor of [OLD] L'manburg? [1 CORRECT ANSWER ONLY]
  4. Who Killed Wilbur? [the last life]
  5. What happened to Wilbur after he died?
  6. who created the "George SMP"?
  7. who did wilbur soot marry?
  8. which side did THE BLADE join? (if u dunno who is the blade, leave this quiz rn)
  9. is "Kinoko Lands" a place in the dream smp?
  10. in the era of "The Egg," what color were the vines?
  11. who has the "Silk Touch" hands in the Dream SMP?
  12. Last Question: does wilbur have a son? if yes, what was his name?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Dream SMP (LORE)
