How well do you know the Dream SMP?

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Welcome to the Dream SMP Quiz! This quiz will test your knowledge on random facts about the Dream SMP! Got most of my info on the Dream Team Wiki! Sorry if anything in this quiz is incorrect.

I made this quiz when I was bored in class lol. Also, don't take this quiz too seriously, it is all for fun and the score you get doesn't determine how good of a fan you are :)

Created by: bobby
  1. When was the Dream SMP Created
  2. Who were the original 8 members of the Dream SMP?
  3. Which event came first? (from the ones listed)
  4. What is the name of Ranboo's and Tubbo's son?
  5. Who were the members of the Butcher Army?
  6. How many lives does Philza have/get?
  7. Which one is NOT a faction on the server?
  8. Who was the first president of L'Manburg?
  9. Who did NOT visit the Dream SMP?
  10. Who said this famous quote? "Down with the revolution boys! It was never meant to be."
  11. What are the names of Tommy's Discs? (disc saga)
  12. What was Jack Manifold's IGN before JackManifoldTV?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Dream SMP?
