How well do you know the Companions Quartet?

This will be a quiz about the Companions Quartet! I love this book series really very much!!! And I hope you do too!!! I think this book is very underrated, so spread the word and tell your friends!!!!

This is my favorite book series, along with Harry Potter and The Huntress! I really recommend these books. If you like the Companions Quartet, then you will love these books!!!

Created by: The Little Big Star
  1. What color are the ear protectors?
  2. What was the first name of the man who came to help Connie?
  3. What are the names of Connie's best non-society friends?
  4. What is the name of Col's mum?
  5. What is the name of Col's horse?
  6. What is the name of Col's Pegasus?
  7. What creature was protecting the Universal's Library?
  8. What is Connie's great aunt's companion creature?
  9. Who else from the Society was at Shirley's party?
  10. What creature did Aneena see that made her want to find it?
  11. BONUS QUESTION!!! Who is Omar?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Companions Quartet?
