How well do you know the CC Characters? books 1-12

How much do you know about the book series, Canterwood crest? test your knowledge here, if you want you can even share your results, have fun and good luck.

You still want more info about this? Well you will answer Questions about the main characters, and you will answer questions about the horses, there will be another part of this following Lauren Towers.

Created by: Vivienne Slowbard
  1. Who does the book follow?
  2. Who are Sasha's BFFs from the 1st book to the 6th book?
  3. What is the name of Sasha's horse?
  4. What happened between Callie and Sasha at Sasha's Bday?
  5. Who is the new girl that became Sasha's Instant BFF?
  6. What are the names of the Canterwood Crest Horses?
  7. What's the name of the Riding Instructor?
  8. Who wrote the Canterwood Crest series?
  9. Who are Julia, Heather, Paige, Rachel, Brit and Sasha dating?
  10. Which of the following is not a student at Canterwood Crest?
  11. Who is currently Sasha's BFF and roommate?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the CC Characters? books 1-12
