How well do YOU know the bible?

Do you think you know the bible??? take this quiz to find out! but it is really easy! So have as much fun as you can althouh you might get bored! Good luck!

Do you think you know the bible??? this quiz will hepl find out! but it is really easy! So have as much fun as you can althouh you might get bored! Good luck!

Created by: Unknown

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the oldest man to ever live? (recorded in the bible)
  2. What are the 4 Gospels?
  3. Who was swallowed by a fish?
  4. Where did the guy that got swallowed, get spit up again?
  5. What is the last book in the old testement?
  6. How many books are in the new testement?
  7. How many books are in the old testement?
  8. How many books are in the entire bible?
  9. What did Jesus say to the criminal beside him while he was on the cross?
  10. Who ledthe isrealites into the promised land?
  11. What is the referance for this verse: Thy word is lamp unto my feet, and i light unto my path.
  12. What road was Saul walking on when he saw a great light?
  13. What road did Jesus walk on his way to Calvary while carrying his cross?
  14. When Jesus cried "I thirst" on the cross what did they give him?
  15. What does the bible say Jesus' back looked like after they whipped him?
  16. How many wisemen were there?
  17. What did God make on the 2nd day?
  18. What did Jesus say right before he died?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the bible?