How well do you know the Beat Bugs?

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How well do you know the show Beat Bugs? Test your Beat Bug knowledge by taking this quiz! Don't feel bad if you get a low score... I've been there... it's tough.

Good luck! Remember, there is no need to wine about bad scores and no need to boast about scores. This quiz is just for fun. No need to stress. But still, fingers crossed!

Created by: Clara
  1. What are the names of the Beat bugs?
  2. Who is leader of the group?
  3. Which word best describes Crick?
  4. Who made Beat Bugs?
  5. What is the slug's name?
  6. Who voiced Kumi?
  7. Is there a Beat Bugs movie?
  8. How many Beat Bugs can fly?
  9. Who is the tallest Beat Bug?
  10. Who is the shortest?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Beat Bugs?
