How well do you know The Amazing Race?

I am a huge Amazing Race fan, and I know everything about every team. My top 5 Fav teams of all time are Eswar and Aparna (32), Dustin and Kandice (10&11), Blake and Paige (2), Gary and Mallory (17&18), and Nick and Starr (13).

My top 3 favorite contestants of all time are Blonde ✨Blonde Rachel💗❤💓💘 (20), Mallory (17&18&24), and Kandice (10&11)!! Those are my top 3 Fav contestants! Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Fiona
  1. Who were the first winners?
  2. Who was the first woman to win the race?
  3. Who was the first all-female team to win?
  4. Who was the first all-female team to make it to the final 3?
  5. Who was the first team to quit the race?
  6. Who got the title of of the Amazing Race guide book?
  7. Who has the highest racing average for a winning team?
  8. What team has the lowest racing average to get into the final three?
  9. Who was the first Big Brother team on Amazing Race?
  10. Who was the first Survivor team on Amazing Race?
  11. What was the first special edition Amazing Race season?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Amazing Race?
