How well do you know ThatcherJoe

There are many geniuses in life, but can they get 100% on this quiz. Only true ThatcherJoe fans will be able to do this so if you don't know anything back away

Are you a true sugglet? Can you get 100%? Can you succeed in life? Will you be able to take the title of quiz champion? You will be able to find out in a few short minutes

Created by: Kelly Peters
  1. What is his sister called?
  2. Who is his roommate
  3. What is his YouTube channel name
  4. Does he have a girlfriend
  5. How old is he (2015)
  6. What is his favourite sport?
  7. How many million subs does he have
  8. Is he tall
  9. Where does he live
  10. Is he cool

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ThatcherJoe