How Well Do You Know @thankyoufortheblackparade?

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There are thousands of people that follow Amy but how well do you know her? Do you think that you have the amazing stalking skills to complete this quiz flawlessly?

Are you a true fan of Amy? Have you been there since the day she created her account? Have you liked and commented don all her posts? Time to find out!

Created by: Aria Forester
  1. What is thankyoufortheblackparade's real name?
  2. How old is thankyoufortheblackparade as of the end of 2015?
  3. What is the name of her IRL best friend's Instagram account?
  4. When is her birthday?
  5. What are most of her posts about?
  6. What is her favourite colour?
  7. What instruments does she play?
  8. What date did she first post?
  9. What was the name of her first account?
  10. What was her favourite rock band/singer?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know @thankyoufortheblackparade?