How well do you know taylor swift

"There are alot of Taylor Swift fans,but only a few are her number one fan.Find out if you are the ultiment Taylor Swift fan by scoring a one hunderd.

"Are YOU a Taylor Swift number one fan?Find out in just a few short minutes.Taylor Swift is so awesome you should hope that you are her number one fan.

Created by: Amazon
  1. what is her full name? :)
  2. What is her full birthday? :)
  3. How many sibilings does she have?
  4. What are her parents name?
  5. What are her hobbies?
  6. What is her favorite song?
  7. What is her faviorte color?
  8. What is her faviorte food?
  9. What is her faviorte hoilday?
  10. What is her lucky number?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know taylor swift