How well do you know Supermac18?

Some people claim they know supermaceighteen. To prove this, take this quiz to find out if you actually do! So, with that, take this quiz! Ok? ok. Now, take the dang quiz before I hurt you!

If you do know about him, that's good. if you don't, then that's bad. Go to youtube to find out more about him because if you don't you will FAIL this quiz.

Created by: Marlee
  1. what is supermac18's real name?
  2. When is his birthday?
  3. What state does he live in?
  4. What was his first video?
  5. Mac is good at spelling. True or false?
  6. Does he have more channels? If so, how many?
  7. What are they called?
  8. Approx. How many videos does he have?
  9. how long has he been on youtube?
  10. Has he ever been on TV?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Supermac18?