How well do you know superhero's?

Some people are true superhero geeks! Lets see if you know both universes! Try to answer every question correctly and win the prize of the century!

Remember, this quiz gets harder as you go! So really tap into that big bucket of think stuff you've got sloshing around in your head! Good luck on the Quiz!

Created by: supreme11
  1. What is Spiderman's real name?
  2. Does Batman Have a Son?
  3. If so, who?
  4. What is Superman's real Earth name?
  5. What weapon does Nightwing use?
  6. Who is the first Green Goblin In Spiderman?
  7. What amazing thing did the villain Deadpool do?
  8. Who is the Winter Soldier?
  9. Which of these is NOT a DC superhero?
  10. In the comic series, Superman Unchained, What is superman's favorite kind of bagel?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know superhero's?