How well do you know Supergirlygamer

Hi! Welcome to my Quiz! this quiz will be asking questions about Supergirlygamer, This is my first quiz i made here so if you dont like the quiz then... dont play it i quess...

But I hope you like this! enjoy! Oh, and Please Have fun! The Biggest Part is to have a lot and a lot of fun!! (that's what my mom always say...TO HAVE A LOT OF FUN!)

Created by: Holly
  1. Does Supergirlygamer have a cat?
  2. What is Supergirlygamer's real name?
  3. What game does Supergirlygamer play most?
  4. What is Supergirlygamer's biggest talent?
  5. What is Supergirlygamer's cat name?
  6. Does Supergirlygamer have a boyfriend?
  7. What is Supergirlygamer's boyfriend called?
  8. What is Supergirlygamer's age?
  9. Maybe you can guess how much I like Jen and Pat's videos?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Supergirlygamer
